Terms of donations for the EOL Doula scholarship fund

All donations to Life & Death Wellness and to the EOL Doula Scholarship Fund are tax deductible. 

10% of your donation goes to Life & Death Wellness to cover the costs to administer the scholarships.

90% will be paid for the cost of the training.

A $500 deposit is required to secure your spot in the training before accepting donations.

Deposit Link

As a trainee, there are a few ways you can help raise scholarship funds for yourself. 

Option 1:

If a tax deduction is important to those donating in your name, then you can share this link that allows the donor to designate you as the recipient: Donation Link or QR Code

This keeps all donations in your name yet also gives a tax deduction to the donor. 

Before you can participate in this option, you must complete the End-of-Life Doula Scholarship Application and have an approval from our Board in writing.

Option 2:

If a tax deduction is not needed, some trainees have been creating their own personal GoFund me.

Additional Terms:

If a recipient of a scholarship is unable to attend a training due to extenuating circumstances, the funds will be held in their honor for up to 1 year and can be used towards a future Inspired Endings EOL Doula training. Otherwise any cancellation will be considered a forfeit and and money raised will go towards the general scholarship fund.

Once a donation is received, the money will not be reimbursed. If the recipient fails to complete a training, it will be at the discretion of the LDW board how to allocate those funds.

No scholarship funds are given directly to the recipient. Full or partial tuition scholarships are paid towards tuition only. Airfare and other travel costs are not included.